Olga Gennadyevna Shilnikova, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Journalism and Media Communications, Volgograd State University
Abstract. Taking into account structural features and peculiarities of the magazine context and methods of its integration, the article demonstrates a typological model of the “author’s” literary magazine considered as one of the typological models of a large-volume magazine (literary, universal, common magazine type). The article reveals the typological versions of the “author’s” magazines of Russian press in the 18th – 19th centuries. The author established that the general typological model united the “author’s” magazines with similar typological features. An owner, publisher and editor acted on his/her own, as well as he/she was the only or the main author of magazine texts of different genres. Besides, he/she had an opportunity to create all magazine discourses directly: artistic, publicistic, literary criticism, which lead to the extreme consolidation of the magazine context on the semantic (problem and thematic), formal (compositional and stylistic), worldview levels. The article proves that in the course of evolution, differentiation of the “the author’s magazine” model with the formation of its typological features has taken place. Russian journalism included the author’s novel magazine, the author’s literary and artistic magazine, the author’s encyclopedic magazine, the author’s monographic magazine. The author of the article demonstrates that typological versions of the author’s magazine are distinguished by the degree of the publisher’s and editor’s involvement into the magazine management process, their structure, ratio of the main magazine discourses, volume and genres of the texts published, as well as methods of magazine context consolidation.
Key words: audience, author’s magazine, context, literary criticism, editor, type of publication.

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